A Village Romeo And Juliet.
From around the mid-1980s into most of the 90s, I had to split my time between Seoul and New York.
And as a way to live harmoniously with the chronic jetlag,
I decided to leave the decision of when to work and when to sleep entirely to the body clock.
Eventually my painting time had been set, while in New York, to start at sunset and end at dawn.
I usually started with a cup of black coffee and a bag of Chips-A-Hoy from the Lina's Deli that was located just around the corner and open 24 hours.
Past midnight, I would tune in to the Columbia University Radio for background music that were perfect for a mid-night reveries at the studio. Music heard were mostly vintage jazz, or the turn of the century classics, including operas and occasional organ recitles.
An early discovery was Delius.
One night, all of a sudden, I was subjected to two of his operas, played one right after the other.
These two operas, Village Romeo and Juliet and Fennimore and Gerda,
together lasted just over 3 hours.
to be continued later~
Cheers to you'll!

All Contents Copyright by Sungjoon Joh. 2022, 2023.
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